…Is A Real Boy

Yesterday I was taking out the recycling and “Pens and Needles” by Hawthorne Heights came on my iPod. Then I nostalgically thought to myself, “This is the song that got me into this band.” That Thought is what inspired this post!


For most bands I like, I remember the first song I hear by them, the first song I like by them, and the song that got me to fall in love with them. For some bands, the first song I hear by them IS the song that makes me fall in love with them. For instance, have you ever heard a song for the first time and thought, “What is this? Who is this? Why hasn’t this been in my life before?!?!?” while desperately writing down the song and artist so that you never forget this life changing moment.  It’s intense, bro. Well at least some of the times it is. Hopefully your moment isn’t as exaggerated as mine.

A First I’d Like To Share:

About four or five years ago, I was derping around the internet for Full Metal Alchemist related stuff. I came across an AMV and actually watched it ( I hate AMV’s). The video was set to “Wow I Can Get Sexual Too,” by Say Anything. I was like, “Is this an actual song? What is this. I must have more of this in my life.” So after a bit of searching, I came the actual song and it’s music video, I was very impressed. So That’s my first by them and  how I  came to love Say Anything.

I’m not sure if I’m the only who keeps track of stuff like that and if it’s weird to do so, or if other people do this. But if you do keep up and remember stuff like this, I’d be glad to hear from you!