Now I’m Lost

Here’s the song of the week! And it’s right on schedule.
Intertiatic Esp by Mars Volta

(Did you know that volta means turn. Used in English sonnets, it signifies the resolution of the problem in the last couplet. The more you know. :3)

So guys, what do you think of the mars volta?


This counts as a review? This counts as a review. The Relationship of Command by At The Drive In.

I was so excited when I found out that At the Drive In got back together. I hope to see them play live one day. Their live shows look so energetic and amazing! And here’s another video!



10: At the Drive-In – ‘Relationship of Command’

Here is another record that has had countless good said about it over the last 10 years. Before going on to wank furiously over themselves in The Mars Volta, Cedric Bixler and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez played in a band that Kerrang once called the most important in the world. In fact, the very first issue of Kerrang I ever bought had ATD-I on the cover, and had a free CD with ‘Pattern Against User’ on it. In bloomin’ love ever since. The record starts off with ‘Arc-Arsenal’, which explodes out of the blocks with intense drumming, almost reckless guitars and Bixlers now trademark yelp, before breaking down into a more airy space with Bixler asking if we’ve ever tasted skin. Yeah, I don’t know what that means, but most of the lyrics on the album make no sense, so its ok. Ridiculous words…

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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Ever started listening to a band, got really really into them, then look them up later on, and realize that the band is no longer in existence? Then all of your dreams of seeing them perform live and hearing brand new music from them are SHATTERED. To me, that is one of the worst feels ever. When i first started getting into The Fall of Troy, At The Drive In, and Lower Definition, I was only disappointed later in finding out that each of the bands had broken up. They are all so talented. (Luckily At The Drive In got back together, because The Mars Volta just wasn’t cutting it.)

Were you ever disappointed due to finding out a band broke  up?

Pueblo Cicada by Lower Definition ft. Jonny Craig

They’re so talented. I’m so heartbroken that they will not be making beautiful music for my ears.