Frozen In A Starry Void

In the article/post “The Start of Something,” I promised that I wold post more and it would be wonderful. Then I didn’t post in like a week. Sorry. But I was not idle in that week I was away! I have begun crafting! I make coasters and these frame things. And yesterday, I finally opened a shop on etsy.(  Only selling the coasters for now though. Also while I was away,  was practicing one of the three languages I told myself I wold learn (Russian). And practicing sightreading music too.

While I’m crafting, I prefer to listen to longer songs like  “A Man. A Plan. A Canal.” by the Fall of Troy instead of shorter songs. But since my friend convinced me to listen to some mgmt. songs, I checked out their album Congratulations from the library and not only was the album better than I expected ( I thought it was going to be that hipster indie shit. I’m not about that life. “Too Much Hardcore For Breakfast” haha), it has a wonderful song to craft to.

“Siberian Breaks”

It’s twelve minutes and six seconds of goodness.

What I like about songs like this and “A Man. A Plan. A Canal.” are the smooth transitions. Not all songs like this can actually pull that off. Usually I don’t have the attention span for a song longer than five minutes. But Siberian Breaks has captivated me and commanded my attention. It’s now on the crafting playlist.