And Maybe This Time I Will Learn To Love Again

So I was derping around youtube mobile looking for  Strawberry Swisher pt 2 but I found this instead:

This cover of Strawberry Swisher pt 2 is GLORIOUS! it’s too great, his voice is perfect, and the song sounds lovely on ukulele. As many people know, Dance Gavin Dance is my favourite band. Therefore I’m picky about listening to coves of their songs. But this cover met my requirements and brightened up my dull day.  So I had to share this. Bravo to that guy doing the cover.

Making All The Moments Last

So while I was away due to computer issues, I was kind of busy. One of the things  did get to do was see Emery perform live. Emery is one of my favourite bands so I jumped at the opportunity to see them live. And the tickets weren’t expensive at all. Only $15. Sweeeeeeeeeeet. Unfortunately, I do not have any of the pictures from that eventful night in May. I’m still waiting for my friend to post them. If she ever does, I’ll put them up on here.

The concert started at seven and there were Four opening bands (Bad Talk was at the date I went to. They’re not on the poster.) so Emery didn’t come out on stage until around 10:30. It was so amazing When Emery started playing. I was consumed by the feels.

Emery has Christian influences in their music. So they tend to tour with other Christian bands and in venues that uphold Christian morals or whatever. The channel was a nice venue. The opening bands were kind of…. bad. But that’s only my opinion. I’m not into overtly Christian metal/post-hardcore/screamo bands.  But one of the opening bands, Bad Talk, was really good though. They had more of a punk-ish sound. I enjoyed them. And their bassist is adorable!

All and all, I had an excellent time and enjoyed myself. I could repeat that night twenty thousand times and not get tired of it. Here’s one of the songs they performed!!!


I just realized something.

In my last two posts, I thought I included videos. Apparently, I didn’t embed them into the posts the correct way. I’ve got These Holes In My Shoes doesn’t make much sense with out the video with it. I meant to include “The Choreographer” by Lower Definition in that post. And in the post, The Start of Something, I meant to include the video “The Start of Something”, by Voxtrot.

Excuse these technical difficulties and check out the complete posts!!!

I’ve Got These Holes In My Shoes:…es-in-my-shoes/

The Start of Something:

Start of Something



I’ve Got These Holes In My Shoes

The Great Gatsby movie came out a while ago.

No i didn’t go see. I hated the book. And i heard the movie’s plot was different from that of book.


This particular song reminds me of the plot. I love it.



Whelp, what do you think?

I finally got the their cd, The Greatest of All Lost Arts. It’s beautiful. :3

Start of Something

So approximately a week or so after my last post, my computer died. And trying to get somewhere with wifi so I could blog was conflicting with my work and school schedule.

so tragic.

but although I do not have wifi at home, I HAVE A NEW, GREAT COMPUTER!!!!

So i’ll be back to posting.

YAY ^_^


So this will be the start of something nice, perhaps.

Chill Metal

Despite all of the memes i post about metalheads, I’m not really a big metal fan. Surprise! But there are a few metal bands that I do adore. The Deftones are the prime example of this. They’ve been around for a while and just about every song they have is just… fantastic. To me, what makes it different is Chino Moreno’s pretty boy voice. It adds so much to their sound. So bad ass. So Chill.  Fucking Metal.

Ramones Reincarnate

If the Ramones formed in the early 2000’s they’d sound much like these guys, Teenage Bottle Rocket. They formed around 2001 in Wyoming. Teenage Bottlerocket are to tour soon with NOFX, which sounds pretty exciting.


I think they’re pretty cool. I think they earned the compliment of being positively compared to the Ramones. : D